Chapter 13 creditors meetings are going to Zoom

For the Winston-Salem division, 341 meetings will be held by Zoom for all chapter 13 cases filed on or after October 18, 2024. The first chapter 13 Zoom 341 meetings for the Winston-Salem division will be held on December 6, 2024.


For the Durham and Greensboro divisions, 341 meetings will be held by Zoom for all chapter 13 cases filed on or after October 25, 2024. The first chapter 13 Zoom 341 meetings for the Greensboro and Durham divisions will be held on December 9, 2024.


There is no change in the time for the Winston-Salem and Durham division chapter 13 creditors meetings: they will still be held at 1:00 p.m.


The time for Greensboro division chapter 13 creditors meetings is changing from 1:30 p.m. to 2:00 p.m. beginning on December 9.


The meeting ID and passcode for each division and a Zoom link will be provided in the 341 notices and posted on the chapter 13 trustees’ websites, and a Zoom link and a QR code to access the meetings will be posted on the BA’s website at chapter 13 trustees have also developed Instructions and Guidelines for Zoom chapter 13 meetings, which will be posted on the trustees’ and BA’s websites.


Please reach out to the chapter 13 trustees or the BA with any questions.