Debtor ID Policy for 341 Meeting
Debtor ID Policy for 341 Meetings
Effective August 30, 2013
1. All individual debtors must provide (1) picture identification and (2) proof of social security number or individual taxpayer identification number ("ITIN") to the Trustee at the Section 341 meeting of creditors. Failure to do so will result in the creditors' meeting being continued, and if identification is not then provided, the case may be dismissed.
2. Only an original picture ID will be acceptable.
3. An unaltered duplicate (copy) of an acceptable form of proof of social security number may be used. The trustee or BA may require an original document if the circumstances so indicate.
4. Acceptable forms of picture identification include: (a) driver's license; (b) government ID; (c) state picture ID; (d) student ID; (e) U. S. Passport; (f) military ID; and (g) resident alien card.
5. Acceptable forms of proof of social security number or ITIN include: (a) social security card; (b) medical insurance card; (c) pay stub or payroll advice; (d) W-2 form; (e) Internal Revenue Service Form 1099; and (f) official Social Security Administration report.
6. One document can be used for proof of both identification and social security number or ITIN if it contains both a picture identification and a social security number or ITIN.
7. Questions regarding this policy or its implementation should be addressed to the United States Bankruptcy Administrator, 101 S. Edgeworth St., Greensboro, NC 27401.
John Paul Cournoyer
U. S. Bankruptcy Administrator