Court Locations

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Street Address: 

U.S. Bankruptcy Court
Middle District of North Carolina
101 S. Edgeworth St.
Greensboro, NC  27401

Mailing Address: 

U.S. Bankruptcy Court
Middle District of North Carolina
P.O. Box 26100
Greensboro, NC  27402-6100

Court Hearing Locations: 

Second Floor Courtrooms
101 S. Edgeworth St.
Greensboro, NC  27401

Creditors meetings Locations: 

First Floor Creditors Meeting Room
101 S. Edgeworth St.
Greensboro, NC  27401

  • Interstate #40/#85 to Elm-Eugene exit, north into Greensboro business district, left onto Washington Street, right onto Edgeworth Street;building is on SE corner of Edgeworth and Market Streets.
  • Interstate #40 to Freeman-Mill exit, north into Greensboro (becomes Edgeworth Street in the business district); building is on SE corner of Edgeworth and Market Streets
  • No parking available at site.
  • Street-level public parking lot at corner of South Eugene and Washington Streets (2 blocks from building).
  • Public parking garages (all approximately 4-6 blocks from building):
    • 109 E. Market Street
    • 211 S. Greene Street
    • 220 N. Greene Street
    • 215 N. Church Street