Missing an Email Notification?

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If you think you may not be receiving all of your email notifications, you should verify that your email address is correct in our system. Follow the steps in the section called Update Your Email Address located elsewhere on this page.

If you have missed an email notification and would like to check your activity in the CM/ECF system, you can run a Docket Activity Report to list all activity for your user account. The Docket Activity Report is a versatile report that can be run for any given date range. The Docket Activity Report can also be narrowed by case number, case type, office, and/or category.(Note: Standard PACER charges apply) To access the reports, follow these instructions:

  1. Log on to CM/ECF
  2. Click 'Reports' to go to the reports menu
  3. Click 'Docket Activity Report' to access the Docket Activity Report